Note: This article was originally written by Douglas Castle for simultaneous publication and release in The Internationalist Page and in the TNNWC RSS Feed And Daily Email Supplement Blog
Firstly, a brief note about VISIONARIES and LEADERS:
Successful Culture + Successful Conduct = Strong National Economy
Dear Readers:
In a time where some of the nations once considered to be the strongest, most influential and fiscally solid are in dire financial straits and seemingly drowning in an ocean of endless financial and social strife, a few economies are growing at a healthy clip and are enjoying prosperity. While the United States, Greece, Ireland, and other colossal countries are attempting to borrow and propagandize their way out of synchronized recessions, China, India and Brazil continue to grow and to prosper.
The question is, "what do these 'other' countries have that has permitted them to outlast and outshine the almighty Americans and Europeans despite all of our legendary wealth and achievements?"
The answer appears to be very, very basic, albeit elusive because of the very fact of its simplicity. The countries which can sustain the strongest economies have certain cultural and conduct factors in common which have made them more economically shock-resistant and increasingly influential and powerful despite the failings and instability in the fraternity of the former industrialist behemoths.
Here are the common success elements shared by these otherwise very different peoples in these very different lands:
1. A growing percentage of the population is entering the ranks of the upwardly-mobile, consumption-oriented Middle Class and leaving abject poverty. They have worked, and continue to work. Many work for companies, but there is a vigorous current of hardworking, all-sacrificing entrepreneurship.
2. Credit has never been as readily accessible to these people as it has to the more industrialized nations -- their populations tend to save and invest;
3. They have an appreciation for earning income instead of a sense of entitlement to a certain lifestyle;
4. They take a great deal of pride in the quality of their individual and company workmanship and skills. Long hours of work, invested to better their lives and the lives of those about whom they care, are looking upon as ambition -- not as mere menial labor.
5. They have a high regard and respect for basic education, as well as for advanced degrees;
6. They have been acquiring, and continue to acquire, some of the greatest industrial, technological, professional and academic minds from the United States, while the United States is feeling the vacuum of a "brain drain."
7. Many of their numbers have experienced hunger and poverty during their lifetimes, and are driven by the desire to overcome poverty through their own initiative and ingenuity. While some have been helped by family and friends, very, very few have ever received any form of government aid or subsidy. They have a living, first-generation work ethic;
8. They are frugal. They are savers. They do not waste things, for fear of shortage or hunger. They maintain their hard-earned, hard-won possessions. They believe in purchasing ownership of assets, and not in merely obtaining the use of them through lease or leverage.
9. They maintain strong, extended family ties, and have an encultured regard for responsible, dynastic planning. They accumulate and build wealth. Families and friends tend to help eachother (within the neighborhoods of the private sector).
10. They admire achievement, and not merely the monetary wealth which may accompany it. They admire and seek out wisdom;
11. They have national and ethnic pride, as well as personal and familial pride. This helps them stay competitive and focused. They care about "name" and "reputation".
Curiously, the traits discussed above stir almost tearful nostalgic memories of my childhood in the USA during the 1950s and 1960s. Perhaps I am not the only one who recalls this. I believe that it was once known as the "American Dream."
Douglas Castle
Tags, Labels and Key Terms for this article: success, culture, conduct, family values, family ties, dynastic planning, the wealth of nations, building strong economies, work ethic, saving versus consuming, investing and owning versus using, dynastic planning, individual pride, familial pride, national pride, entrepreneurship, quality consciousness, respect, education, inspiration, betterment through work, absence of easy credit, equity and ownership, bootstrapping, respectability of labor, a rememberance of hunger and suffering, a desire to provide for future generations, appreciation for quality, frugality versus wastefulness, Douglas E. Castle, TNNWC, GICBC, global economic, domestic economy, private sector growth, self-reliance, the American Dream, TNNWC Surveys, TNNWC News Releases, TNNWC Buzzworks, Internationalism, entitlement and denial, systems stability, sustainability, The Global Futurist.
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