Monday, February 28, 2011

Anti-Radical, Anti-Violent Shift In The Volatile Middle East - Truly Revolutionary.

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A combination of factors, not the least of which is the rapid international adoption of internet and social media technologies, has led to an historically unprecedented upheaval of the civilian populations of Middle Eastern and North African nations against their established leadership.

This movement is not only significant in its implications for the future of the entire region, but it is crucially significant in the way that these protest movements are being led by the public-at-large in each of these nations, and not by military or clerical groups.

Further, these protests, for the most part, have been extraordinarily free of violence on the part of the protesters. The movements within each of the affected countries are massive in size, and are being championed by crowds of unarmed civilians wielding banners and signs bearing anti-government slogans and messages. While the governments of some of these nations have used police and military force against the protesters in order to quash their growing impetus, the protesters are growing in number, in collective voice, and acts of weaponless defiance.

May these protesters win their freedom from oppressive, entrenched regimes – and may they win with minimal bloodshed and casualties among their numbers. There are many in this world who might learn by their stunning example of the power of numbers, and of the potential for non-radicalized change…a change to government by and for the People.

As an American citizen (as well as an Internationalist), I am greatly encouraged to see some of the signs of awakening democracy. I am nostalgic, if not more than a little wistful, as well.

Some further information follows for your review:

From The NEW YORK TIMES Afternoon News Summary

28 February 2011
News Analysis

As Regimes Fall in Arab World, Al Qaeda Sees History Fly By

The powerful protests spreading across the Middle East and North Africa have shunned the two central tenets of Al Qaeda's credo: murderous violence and religious fanaticism.

"True democracy is the key to intellectual freedom, ingenuity, entrepreneurship and economic prosperity. It is the Philosopher's Stone which can convert hopelessness to the actualization of great dreams." - Douglas Castle


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Tags, Labels, Key Words and Terms: democracy, unity, internationalism, peaceful protest, free enterprise, entrepreneurialism, ingenuity, government by and for the people, innovation, pardigm shifts, TNNWC Group Services, TNNWC Group Buzzworks, social media, the information revolution, contagious revolution, viral revolution, the power of the populace, peaceful protest, radical islam, al-qaeda, al-jazeera, Al Jolson, articles by Douglas E. Castle, cybercommerce, cyberspace, Humanity, revolution, Technullities, political trends, the energy crisis, drama in the middle east, democracy and small business, democracy and innovation, the power of numbers, unite and conquer, the dream of freedom, RadioDAZZ, TNNWC Newsroom, Kent Martin, RD Watkins, Jared DiCarmine, economic recovery, the seeds of discontent, The National Networker (TNNWC) Weekly Newsletter, RSS feed directories, blog directories, world change, worldview, The New York Times, sanctions

1 comment:

  1. Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)


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