Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reality Versus Perception - Real Trends Versus "Aftershock" Reactions

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Reality Versus Perception - Real Trends Versus "Aftershock" Reactions

We, as Human Beings, are never particlarly good at making objective decisions, judgments or plans. We are sensorially barraged by overlapping discordant waves of staccato advertisements, promotions, and news which is more about entertainment and propaganda (spin doctoring) than it is about reporting of factual information. We are bombarded by the noise (and accompanying sensorial fatigue) that envelops us, and are shaped, in every aspect, by the external environment.

This having been said, we are each burdened by the imposing filter of his own perception. Even if we are given the right raw data or raw material, we may misinterpret or mismanufacture. This comes from inside of us.

Carried to its logical conclusion, it is very difficult for us to differentiate between what is real (and lasting), and what is imaginary (ephemeral and incorrect). We tend to live our lives in a reactive and defensive state, and it is easy to be misled. It is a tough paradox that rules the way in which we think -- i.e., can a psychotic truly know, with any degree of certainty, when he is hallucinating and when he is not?

Every trend-spotter, forecaster, futurist, strategic planner, entrepreneur, investor and street-crosser must work hard to separate reality from perception. Our inherent subjectivity and our brief, rushed lives stand between us and intelligent conclusions.

It is increasingly difficult to know what indicia signify a "fad" or a "knee-jerk response" from a trend that is meaningful with serious consequences.

There are three big uber-variables at play in the world, and we are constantly being demanded to choose sides, to take action, or to "feel" a certain way about each.

One is government, and all that it involves;

One is capitalism, more often than not confused with "greed," and generally being associated with the privileged political "right."

One is sustainability, more often than not confused with, or lumped indiscriminantly in with, environmentalism, ecological sensitivity, and the political "left."

What I am about to state is merely my own opinion about the above three items, rendered in simplistic terms:

Sustainability might just be here to stay; but then again, capitalism (despite some highly negative press) is not expected to make an exit anytime soon, and government (and divisive, partisan politics) will always be a part of our lives as long as there are more than two people on this planet.

Yours Faithfully,

Douglas E Castle

p.s. If you would like to read an article about how two of these uber-variables, Sustainability and Capitalism, might actually co-exist to the benefit of those supporting either side (there are really no "sides"... there are just generalizations and convenient categorizations), please click on the article link below:

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Labels, Tags, Search Terms, Categories, Keywords, References For This Article: Perception, Social Sciences, Allegory of the Cave, trends, decision-making, staying focused, reality checks, subjectivity, illusion, trend-spotting, fads, the reactive mind, impulse, jumping to conclusions, Douglas E  Castle, altered perception, TNNWC, uber-variables, The Global Futurist Blog, The Internationalist Page Blog, prediction versus supposition, how people think, The Braintenance Blog, psychosis, sensorial overload, hallucination, uber-trends, Lingovations, logic, NLP, mind-mapping, the Subjectivity Paradox...

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