Thursday, February 23, 2012

Citizen Ambassadorship Begins With Education: Youth +Truth = Action

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The Internationalist Page Blog is a vigorous and enthusiastic supporter of iEARN, which sponsors citizen ambassadorship amongst youth, interactive education between different countries and cultures. Some further information about this Internationalist and educational organization, as well as some of the many interesting, innovative programs which it provides and maintains:

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables young people to use the Internet and other new technologies to engage in collaborative educational projects that both enhance learning and make a difference in the world. Established in 1988 as a pioneering online program among schools in the the Soviet Union and the United States, iEARN is now active in more than 26,000 schools and youth organizations in 130 countries. Its website is located at

Citizen ambassadorship begins with education, and education should begin as early as possible in a child's emotional, intellectual and physical development. We dramatically increase the probability of technical and social breakthroughs by immersing our children in a supervised environment of multiculturalism as early as possible.

iEARN projects are designed and facilitated by educators and students worldwide, and result in a range of collaborative final "products." I believe that participation by teachers and their classes in some of these exciting and socially unifying projects should be an addition to every academic curriculum. As this world becomes more and more of an international village, it has become increasingly important for children worldwide to find out about their areas of commonality and differences with their peers globally.

If you are a teacher, youth program director, camp director or an educational activist, I would suggest that you join iEARN in at least one of its many, varied projects under the auspices of its Collaboration Centre.

International education is a good, healthy thing. It promotes both peace and opportunities at greater prosperity. It may sound trite, but our children will eventually take over the keys to the operation of government, society and civilization. The earlier that they are able to perceive persons, cultures, value systems, customs and news events globally, the more effective they can be as custodians of the planet.

For more information about getting started in iEARN projects Click here.

Douglas E. Castle for The Internationalist Page Blog, The Global Futurist Blog, and for iEARN.

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by Douglas E Castle

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