Friday, November 16, 2012

The Gaza: No Negotiations, Now Or Ever.

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As an Internationalist, I believe that all people's have a basic right to exist, provided that their principal reason for existence is not to annihilate me, or whatever ethnic or ideological group to which I belong. Pure intractable hatred in any negotiation is a "non-starter" -- which must be acknowledged by the parties at the outset. In the Gaza, we are actually dealing with a centuries-old dispute where Hamas, an internationally acknowledged terrorist organization, is not after a territorial redistribution, trade or passage (easement) rights. No -- Hamas has made it clear that it wishes to destroy Israel and its people as one of its fundamental principles. The reasons have become irrelevant.

In a case such as this one, no veneer of negotiations need even exist. The only tactic remaining, sadly, is a defensive war or a pre-emptive strategy against a self-proclaimed and unabashed enemy once a significant threat has been launched.

One of the fundamental tenets of Internationalism, and of fruitful negotiations, is that each party fully recognize and acknowledge the other party's right to exist.

No amount of third-party payoffs, promises or foolishly transparent propaganda [I would never mention the United Nations by name, of course] can delay the inevitable battle for survival.

Internationalism is incompatible with the notions of "ethnic cleansing,", racism, annihilation or 'understandable' genocide. A confrontation can only be delayed, but almost never totally defused when a peoples' existence may be a stake. You must want peace for both sides as an entry-level premise to any negotiation.

I wish each and all of my readers peace and prosperity - nothing less is acceptable.

As always, thank you for reading me, and for retweeting my words.

Peace :-)

Douglas E. Castle

for The Internationalist Page Blog, The Global Futurist Blog, The CrowdFunding Incubator Blog, The Mad Marketing Tactics Blog, The Business And Project Planning And Management Blog, The InfoSphere Alerts And Intelligence Blog and too many others to name...


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