Collaborative Project: "Accelerated Breakthroughs" - Visionaries, Writers and Forum Leaders Needed
Visionaries and Experts Needed to Participate in Major Project on Leading, Refining and Building Entrepreneurial Collaboratives to Accelerate Breakthroughs and to Expedite Profitability
Bulletin Dated: 12.07.2010
Synopsis: This Project is being sponsored by TNNWC Group, LLC (previously known as The National Networker Companies™). You should review our website at to find out more about the company, which is a provider of information, publications, vital business services and cooperative communities for the empowerment of emerging enterprises™.
All participants will share directly in the profitability associated with any intellectual property, technologies, publications and any and all other benefits, both tangible and intangible, which may be associated with this cooperative effort. For a download of the complete letter regarding this Project, simply click on, or continue reading.
Thank you.
Douglas Castle
Dear Colleagues:
We are aggressively seeking collaboration organizers, experts, advocates and thought leaders who are interested in writing (brief entries as part of a cooperative forum) and promoting their views about any of the topics below. Those individuals who are prepared to actually form collaborative groups, lead and monitor discussion forums and implement their ideas are particularly welcome:
1. Creation of collaborative organizations;
2. Leadership of collaborative organizations;
3. Collaboration software and technology;
4. Collaboration ideology, theory and philosophy;
5. Breakthrough thinking through collaboration;
6. Equitable (and practical) sharing of the efforts (costs) and benefits (profits) generated through the licensing or other utilization of intellectual property and other assets developed through the collaboration mechanism;
7. Trends and future predictions regarding the expansion of the practice of collaboration and/or the technology associated with it.
We have a blog site (under construction) at which will serve as a dynamic supplement to our website.
This effort has the promise of being very high-profile, and will likely involve the proactive involvement of one or more Linked-In groups.
Should you have an interest, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss this project with you in greater detail. The Project will be called "Accelerated Breakthroughs™.”
Please send your inquiries and expressions of interest directly to (for a pop-up instant email form). Please write the word “Collaboration” in the subject line of your correspondence.
Thank you for your consideration.
Douglas Castle, for TNNWC GROUP, LLC
Note: A summary of Douglas Castle’s professional background can be found at or at

Capital, Traffic Building, International Customers and unique SERVICES.
The National Networker Publications™ produced by TNNWC Group, LLC
Resources for Business Planning, Development, Capital and Growth
Douglas Castle
LinkedIn Profile
Douglas Castle’s Daily Burst Of Brilliance .001™
The Global Futurist™ –Trends, Planning and Staying Ahead of The Curve
The Internationalist Page™ – A Shrinking World with Expanding Possibilities
Braintenance™ – Train and Maintain Your Brain – Cognitive Enhancement
Mad Marketing Tactics™
Links 4 Life™ – A Comprehensive Resource for Help with Life’s Emergencies
Radio DAZZ™ – Take a Music Break to De-Stress & Enhance Creativity
Taking Command™! – Achieving Your Personal and Professional Objectives Methodically, Rapidly and Without Regrets
TNNWC Group™ – Enjoy the Benefits of Membership at no charge –Join Us!
Follow Douglas Castle on Twitter
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DouglasCastleBlogosphere™ - Gallery of Free RSS Feeds and Widgets
TNNWC Group, LLC, in Brief
TNNWC Group, LLC empowers emerging enterprises locally, worldwide and inter-globally by providing 1) informational publications and products; 2) an indispensible suite of crucial, unparalleled services for business planning, development, growth, marketing and capitalization, which are offered to all of our Members who are all 3) interactively involved within a growing, mutually-supportive collaborative, cooperative community of individuals and businesses. We are run by entrepreneurial people, and we live to serve entrepreneurial people and the business initiated through their inspiration… from the garage-based technological start-up, to the “small business” wanting to break free of its limitations and grow larger at an accelerated but sustainable pace. We Empower Emerging Enterprises™ - not with “happy talk” and “grandiose ideas”… but with real tools and expert interpersonal guidance to use each of them for their optimal effectiveness. Visit us at TNNWC Group, LLC. - Join us. We have so much to offer you. Our philosophy is simple: UNITE AND CONQUER.

Capital, Traffic Building, International Customers and unique SERVICES.
The National Networker Publications™ produced by TNNWC Group, LLC
Resources for Business Planning, Development, Capital and Growth
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