Sunday, December 20, 2009

Resignation to the Inevitable, or Self-Fulfilling Prophesy?

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Resignation to the Inevitable, or Self-Fulfilling Prophesy?

Written by author Douglas Castle for The Internationalist Page.

Dear Friends:

I do a tremendous amount of reading (more accurately, "scanning" of the news media) from as many different sources as I can find. I listen to the ravings of the right, the whinings of the left, and everything either in-between or defying political categorization. I do this in order to to determine, both intellectually and intuitively, where I stand on various issues.

As an Internationalist, I am not invested in anything political, philosophical, or ethical except in finding ways and means through which Humankind can survive long enough to evolve to a state of peace and prosperity. I am invested in the notion of ending Human suffering, to the extent that we, as responsible Humans ourselves, can rally the support, the critical mass and the momentum to end a recurring pattern of repeating history instead of planning and determining our own future.

I am, as are many others who are similarly-minded, tired of the swinging pendulum from one extreme to another that seems to entrap us from making any progress in rising out of the pit (my apologies to the late Edgar Allen Poe).

I blog about Braintenance ( and other other subjects having to do with behavioral psychology, the workings of the mind, entrainment, learning processes, self-growth and multitudinous other topics... This post is strictly pragmatic.

I do not usually read THE WEEK, but I had inadvertently clicked on a link to an article which was of immediate interest. The article, which is reproducedin summary below, is a rather dispiriting one. It speaks of the fact that recent surveys (the Pew Survey is mentioned here specificially) indicate that an increasing number of Americans surveyed believe that China has risen to a position of global power and prominence greater than that formerly acknowledged to be the province of the United States.

Regardless of the relative ranking of the two sovereigns side by side, I must wonder about how much of this situation is actually fueled by the discouragement, inertia and indolence associated with a negative self-fulfilling prophesy. I know that if I cannot visualize myself succeeding a something, I have automatically re-programmed myself to increase my likelihood of failure.

Without becoming too involved in scientific theory, I am wondering just how helpful it might be to the US economy, as well as other economies besieged by the disillusionment and hardship imposed upon them by the recent economic recession (and the accompanying emotional dampening -- the "poverty of spirit" -- that continues to cast its dark and heavy shroud over virtually every aspect of Human and International affairs) if a new and credible source of pure ideological hope were introduced.

We need hope, drawn or apported from some source as yet unidentified, in order to re-ignite our self-confidence, our optimism, our intracranial projection of a positive future, in order to create the change required to pull ourselves out of the quagmire of fated failure.

I cannot seem to bring myself to believe that anything is inevitable, except for the effect that the prevalent social psyche has on every nation's economy. Intuitively, I believe that we are caught in a maelstrom of a very persistent self-fulfilling prophesy, and that hope (some might say "faith") is the only catalyst that can re-set our dampened trajectory. 

Yes, we need real solutions to real problems. But we need the productive energy which is born only of hope in order to put those changes into effect.


Douglas Castle, Internationalist

Have Americans given up on America?

In an unprecedented Pew study, a majority of Americans rank China as the No. 1 superpower. Are we losing faith?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Click here to find out more!

Best opinion: NY Times, Miller-McCune, Politics Daily

Global-power experts have predicted the rise of China for some time, but Americans already seem to think China’s eclipsed the U.S. According to a new Pew survey, 44 percent of Americans consider China the world's No. 1 economic power, while only 27 percent say so of America. (Just last year, the respective rankings were reversed.) Has America given up on being No. 1?

China has stolen our mojo: Can-do Americans used to be “famous for their energy and workaholism,” says David Brooks in The New York Times, but now the “astonishingly optimistic” Chinese are the ones who “salivate for the future." According to the poll, 86 percent of Americans see China heading in the right direction; less than half of respondents feel the same way about the U.S.
“The nation of futurity”

America is afraid: Viewing China as No. 1 economically is unprecedented, says Emily Badger at Miller-McCune. And a 53 percent majority of Americans view China’s emerging power as a “major threat” to the U.S. That doesn’t mean we want to deal with it, though—a record 49 percent said the U.S. “should mind its own business” internationally.
“A nation of ostriches and peacocks”

At least we still have military dominance: Though 41 percent say the U.S. plays a less important role on the world stage than a decade ago, says Bruce Drake in Politics Daily, we’re not feeling weak. A strong 63 percent still pick the U.S. as the world’s leading military power.
“As U.S. expands role overseas, survey finds isolationism on the rise”

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1 comment:

  1. I am, as are many others who are similarly-minded, tired of the swinging pendulum from one extreme to another that seems to entrap us from making any progress in rising out of the pit (my apologies to the late Edgar Allen Poe).



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