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Please click on the above picture in order to see a breathtaking view of China's Embassy To The USA. |
If you are a US citizen (or if you are a citizen of any country and have an interest in changing your citizenship status or in seeking temporary asylum* from unfriendly folks [of any nationality] who may be after you and posing a clear and immediate threat to you or your family, whether warranted or not), you must have a list of USA embassies throughout the world. The information set forth below is dated as of August 15th, 2012, and is updated from time to time.
* The U.S., generally speaking, does not recognize the granting of diplomatic asylum, unless there are other related issues of political asylum or US national interests which are involved. The following article is quite telling:
State Department: The U.S. does not recognize the concept of 'diplomatic asylum' (thecable.foreignpolicy.com)
Getting back to the topic of US embassies worldwide, in order to obtain updates to the information which follows (perhaps stating at March 15th, 2013, and every year thereafter) you may simply click on http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/embassies/embassies_1214.html, or http://www.usembassy.gov/ or call U.S. Overseas Citizens Services [not the preferred initial approach -- online is generally better, especially prior to calling, so that you know precisely what to ask for or to say when you call the Office] 1.888.407.4747 (within the U.S.) or 1.202.501.4444 (from outside of the US).
Important Note:For those of my readers involved in global trade, import/ export, or in the development of multinational businesses, these embassies can also be a source of intelligence regarding various aspects of trade, treaties and tariffs, as well as some logistics information. Don't overlook these embassies in their value as business resources. Some are very knowledgeable regarding special economic initiatives and programs within their host countries.
US worldwide embassy information follows -- you might want to dig out your dollar store reading glasses and your special scrolling gloves:
I am hopeful that all of my readers, whether travelers or businesspersons involved in international commerce, will find this information useful.
Douglas E. Castle for The Internationalist Page Blog and The Daily Burst Of Brilliance Blog

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